Books, Inspirational, Mental, Spiritual, Spiritual, Wellness

Book Tour: Live Your Best Life

What does Live Your Best Life really mean? To me, it means being the best me that I can be for me and not anyone else. It means living in my truth and not the truth of someone else. It means living the life that I was meant to live and being okay with it deep down inside myself and not based on what others think, believe or approve. - Julia A. Royston

Mental, Music, Physical, Spiritual

The Roadmap to Success

2019 is on the horizon, and if you are like me, you are happy and slightly anxious about what is in store. However, there are some who are sad and worried about the new year because 2018 was awesome. There is also the possibility that 2018 was horrible and you do not want another year… Continue reading The Roadmap to Success